Sad news for Kelly Carlson fans who like to see her play characters who reprise Kimber from "Nip/Tuck": Carlson apparently keeps on her clothes in her latest movie project, "Jimmy."
C.J. Q&A: Kelly Carlson tries a new role
When she was in the Twin Cities over the holidays, we talked about her new movie as well as her missteps as a hockey fan despite the tutelage of her significant other, Tie Domi, and his son, Max Domi.
Q What's this movie you just wrapped?
A I just finished a movie called "Jimmy," a film based on a novel by Robert Whitlow. It's a family drama and I play the stepmother, but the good stepmother, not evil stepmother, which is a huge departure for me. It'll pull on your heartstrings. Believe me, it's completely different from anything I've played, which I'm happy about.
Q For which role do you wish you'd had an opportunity to audition?
A I can't think of a movie I wanted to play; I can think of my favorite roles. Sharon Stone in "Casino," or pretty much anything Annette Bening has been done, especially "Bugsy," which is one of my favorite movies. "Heat" is one of my favorite films -- Ashley Judd -- I would have loved to play [that role even though] it's not a huge part, but in a great movie.
Q Do you miss "Nip/Tuck"?
A Yeah, I do. "Nip/Tuck" was such a unique TV show that it had thought-provoking material and as an actor that's rare to play on television. I love to play anything acting, but that especially was challenging, fun, smart, sexy. It had everything. But I feel very lucky to have played that for so long.
Q You were only supposed to be on for two or three episodes?
A No, one episode. I was supposed to do the pilot but then I came back. [And remained for the show's entire run.]
Q Did the "Nip/Tuck" script ever call for you to do something that gave you pause? I know it gave your mom heart palpitations.
A Of course. The reason why I was OK with it was because of Ryan Murphy [the writer behind "Glee" and "American Horror Story"]. I trusted him and his mind. Everything he does, he does very well. Had it not been Ryan, I would have maybe not done it or been very nervous. But Ryan does everything right. Yes, it was graphic, but it was always thought-provoking, so it was balanced and that's OK with me.
Q I see your old pal from "Nip/Tuck," Dylan Walsh, on CBS's "Unforgettable," and it's so odd to see him keeping on his clothes.
A Well, it would be odd for any of the actors from "Nip/Tuck," keeping their clothes on, including me. Which is why this movie ["Jimmy"] was so strange for me to make. I always like watching Dylan. He's such a great person, in person.
Q Your hockey acumen is way superior to mine. Tell me about the men responsible for you being so keen about pro hockey?
A I don't know that much, but dating Tie Domi [the third most penalized player in NHL history, according to] and [watching] his son, an incredible hockey player coming up. I don't want to jinx anyone, but Max Domi will be drafted soon. Will be fun to watch, because he's an incredible skater. I still couldn't tell you what icing is. I've asked Tie for four years and he won't answer me. So I don't know that much yet. He says, Don't bug me during a game. I have cheered twice when the opposing team scored. I hear someone cheering, and I'm like, 'Yes!' And [then] I hear, Kelly, it's the other team!
Interviews are edited for content and space. C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.