Word has it Jason Matheson is leaving Fox 9 after 12 years.
He'll still be a part of a Twin Cities broadcast, however, because he's getting a promotion at MyTalk 107.1, where he's scheduled to take over the morning drive-time show. Matheson has been hosting a weekday noon-to-3 p.m. show at the radio station for the past four years, in addition to his Fox 9 duties.
There is apparently no scandal here. Matheson and Fox just could not work out a deal, while the money from Hubbard Broadcasting is going to make working only one job a very doable proposition.
Matheson and his radio co-host, Alexis Thompson, are assuming Margery and Ian Punnett's 5:30-to-9 a.m. time slot. Ian recently gave up his morning show because he suffers from tinnitus, a condition that causes buzzing in the ears, headaches and sleep problems. Margery has continued to work at the station in various fill-in roles, although she's definitely got the wit, chops and personality to be the lead dog on a radio show. (I know which time slot to which I'd assign Margery! And it starts at 9 a.m.)
When Jason and Alexis make the move to mornings, it may be a little like a radio version of the Beverly Hillbillies leaving the woods for a glitzy part of Los Angeles, but it should be great fun for listeners.
I am fairly certain that we have not seen the last of Matheson on a Twin Cities TV station. After completing the one-year noncompete part of his contract with Fox 9, Matheson will have no shortage of offers; lots of people tell me he is a hot property in this market and could do very well in others. His agent is Tom Wiese, who is also the manager of the Bizarre Andrew Zimmern -- and look where he is these days.
Interview with Gaga
Lady Gaga was very impressed with the first matter of business Emma Carroll wanted to get out of the way when they met last week at St. Paul's X.
The Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare patient didn't pounce on the obvious during their pre- and post-concert meetings. Carroll wanted to make sure Gaga was current about the facility's campaign, I was told Monday.
Cate Pardo, Gillette PR spokeswoman, said, "I think it's pretty amazing Emma got this awesome opportunity to meet Lady Gaga, and the first thing she said to Lady Gaga wasn't May I have your autograph or I love your music. She wanted her to know about the Cure Pity Initiative and wanted her to go online and learn more about it." The campaign (www.curepity.org) reminds us that children with disabilities don't need pity but hope, expert medical care and a chance.
The meeting was a surprise, captured on camera by a camera crew for Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation. Carroll spent about two hours with Gaga before the show and one hour with her afterward, said Pardo.
"She hugged all of us and said it's so good to meet you," Carroll told me.
Before meeting Gaga at the concert, Carroll was interviewed for a documentary being made by the foundation.
Carroll said she went on the Internet and found a spot where she was able to make a plea to meet the performer.
"Basically saying, Is there anyway you can make something happen, blah, blah, blah," said Carroll. "Then they e-mailed me a couple of days prior to the concert, which was on the 6th. They said we're making this documentary and we think you'd be a good candidate for it. They wanted to come out to my house. There were cameras everywhere. Me and my group of friends."
Carroll was asked questions about how she's perceived as a person with disabilities.
Cover of new Prince book
Touré, the author and co-host of MSNBC's "The Cycle," has posted the cover of his upcoming book about Prince on Twitter.
"I Would Die 4 You: Why Prince Became an Icon" is due out March 19, Touré tweeted, along with this info: "My Prince book is not a biography. It explores why he fit with Gen X. Looks at his music & his life story & his childhood religion. Prince grew up a Seventh Day Adventist, and when you look at his music through SDA lens you'll understand it better."
Touré responded to my Twitter questions, saying he may be coming to Minneapolis for book signings. But he doesn't know the photographer who took the cover art, which is an extreme close-up of Symbolina's face.
A person with lots of time on his hands could count pores and facial hairs. One can also see that, no surprise, Prince is wearing eye makeup -- notably liner on the upper outer corners of his orbs.
C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or cj@startribune.com. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen Thursday mornings on Fox 9.
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