Black ice will remain a hazard several more days in the region that wasclobbered by the snowstorm this past weekend.Water released by melting snow during the day will refreeze at night on manysurfaces such as sidewalks, parking lots and streets. Where untreated, thesesurfaces can present a serious travel hazard for motorists and pedestrians,mainly because you don't realize it's there until it's too late.
Black Ice Danger in Northeast
By AccuWeather
December 21, 2009 at 8:25PM
Black ice is simply water frozen fast to the pavement. Because it is clear andthin, it can look dark, much like liquid water. Therein lies its potentiallydangerous deception.
Story By Meteorologist Eric Leister
about the writer
NONFICTION: “Category Five” says those catastrophic events are commonly being eclipsed, because of climate crisis.