ABC's of school energy savings
Every district is unique, but there are common ways that schools save energy without spending a lot of money: • Turn down the thermostat at night and keep it at 68 to 70 degrees during school hours. • Raise shades and use natural light in classrooms instead of overhead lights. • Shut off lights when room is not being used. • Close window shades at night to retain heat. • De-lamp fixtures. Remove a bulb from ceiling fixtures with multiple bulbs. • Set computers to automatically shut down after several minutes of inactivity. • Turn off projectors and unplug TVs. • Close doors to rooms to retain heat; hallways aren't heated. • Remove refrigerators and other personal appliances from classrooms. • Time kitchen exhaust-fan operation so it's only used when needed. • Cluster summer-school classes in one area, and cool only that area.
about the writer
Kids can learn how to program robots, play chess, speak Chinese or dance hip-hop style, among other enrichment options.