A whole new way to talk about the weather

By BILL WARD, Star Tribune

July 8, 2012 at 8:48PM
Bob Stach of Savage, MN, threw his daughter Sophia, 6, in the air as they played in Lake Harriet to escape the heat Thursday, July 5, 2012 in Minneapolis, MN. Older sister Hannah, 7, left, waited her turn. (ELIZABETH FLORES/STAR TRIBUNE) ELIZABETH FLORES � eflores@startribune.com20024334A
Bob Stach of Savage, MN, threw his daughter Sophia, 6, in the air as they played in Lake Harriet to escape the heat Thursday, July 5, 2012 in Minneapolis, MN. Older sister Hannah, 7, left, waited her turn. (ELIZABETH FLORES/STAR TRIBUNE) ELIZABETH FLORES � eflores@startribune.com20024334A (Dml - Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

We love to talk about the weather. Given our druthers, we'll talk it to death, or at least to clichés.

"Hot enough for ya?"

"It's not the heat. It's the humidity."

"If you don't like the weather now, stick around; it'll change in 15 minutes."

More recently, here as elsewhere, there's been a marked increase in jawing about not just the weather, but the climate. It seems that any mention of climate immediately leads to a discussion on climate change. And the tone has not been nearly as colloquial or collegial, but rather (pardon the expression) heated.

Last week's wretchedly steamy weather brought a respite: It was too hot to argue. The week before that, it was too wet, at least in Duluth.

So now we're left to wonder about the viability of phrases such as "100-year flood" and, well, "mild Minnesota summers."

Meanwhile, the past two winters could hardly have been more different. Was one of them more indicative of climate change than the other?

Are any of us actually smart enough to know?

To the rescue comes Mark Vlossak, an Oregon winemaker from solid Midwestern stock, having grown up in Appleton, Wis. His take:

"I think there is global warming, but mostly I think there's global weirdness."

Now there's a catchphrase we all should be able to agree on.

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about the writer

BILL WARD, Star Tribune