• They're killers. They spread not just malaria and West Nile virus, but all sorts of lesser known diseases, such as equine encephalitis, a dangerous outbreak of which in the 1940s preceded the creation of the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District in 1958.

• They're prolific. One female can lay more than 200 eggs at a time. Many species will hatch right after a rainfall and be ready to turn you into a blood meal five to seven days later.

• They don't have a stinger. It's much worse: Their mouth is basically a syringe.

• They're loud. That buzzing noise you ear is the flapping of their wings as they zero in on you.

• They are persistent, not just in their buzziness but also in their thirst. Experiments have determined that some mosquitoes can spend up to four minutes enjoying a "blood meal."

• They pick their targets. According to some studies, mosquitoes are more attracted to pregnant women because they breathe out more of a mosquito's catnip: carbon dioxide. The bubbles from a mug of beer also make beer drinkers tasty targets.

• They make it harder to enjoy our brief summers. If you're a planning a barbecue, do you spray your yard first? Pack repellent in the picnic hamper and hope for the best? Make sure to avoid water and woods? Wear a hazmat suit?