Money talk often turns overly serious in a flash. So certified marriage and family therapits and chartered financial consultant Susan Zimmerman came up with her eight Money Rascals to make her discussions with clients about their financial flaws more light-hearted.

Here are the eight Money Rascal personalities she created. I see myself in Casher, Basher and Clasher the most. Zimmerman says Clasher is a common one.

She said she likes to think of these personal traits kind of like different investments in a portfolio - we can rebalance them as we see fit.

Flasher - urge to splurge on flashy image items

Rasher - rash and impulsive frequent shopper

Clasher - spending vs. saving habits clash often

Dasher - dashing everywhere except money management

Basher - bashes materialism, embraces modesty

Asher - ashen & pale from worrying about money

Casher - crave to save cash, debt-hater, ledger-lover

Stasher - stashes money in growth investments

Who are you? Stasher with a twist of Clasher? A combination of Rasher and Flasher?