State officials and MADD Minnesota offer several tips for safe holiday travel.

• Plan for enough travel time to avoid the urge to speed -- don't put your schedule ahead of other motorists' safety.

• Pay attention and be patient -- this is one of the busiest, highest-volume travel periods of the year.

• Plan for a safe and sober ride in advance of partying -- designate a sober driver, call a cab use public transportation, or spend the night at the location of the celebration.

• To get yourself and your car home safely, options include DWI Ride Home of Minnesota, 1-877-DWI-9567, or Dry Drivers at 651-491-9363. They both charge mileage and pickup fees.

• Call friends or family for a ride. Parents or friends can encourage people in advance to do so.

• Wear a seat belt. More than 75 percent of impaired drivers killed in crashes are unbelted, said Nathan Bowie, a Public Safety Department spokesman.

• Be alert for impaired drivers.