Posting will be a bit light this morning while we, aka "I," finish two pieces for the newspaper. In the meantime, here's a promo for a Mexican 3D animated movie based on an obscure Hanna-Barbera property no one was begging to see resurrected. Top Cat. Like most H-B inventions, he was a rip-off of pre-existing pop-culture figures; just as the Flintstones were the "Honeymooners," Top Cat was Sgt. Bilko. Apparently he's big in Mexico: who knew? It's like learning Huckleberry Hound is immensely beloved in Fiji, for reasons we cannot begin to understand.

It looks to be a mix of 2d and 3d, with English signs to make it easier to resell to the American market. One simple question: sure, Top Cat was set in New York. Was it necessary to include the Ground Zero site in the trailer?