You've revised and refocused your résumé, rehearsed answers to likely interview questions and searched local job listings. But the healthcare market is tight, jobs are scarce and it's easy to find yourself singing the job-search blues.

You gotta stay positive

I recently asked members of the Twin Cities Healthcare Professional Network (TCHPN) how they stay positive while looking for a job. Here are some of their suggestions:

Eat well, get enough sleep and exercise regularly. It's easier to stay positive when you feel good physically.

Spend some time in quiet each day to reconnect to your center and rediscover your power, passion and purpose.

Get involved in support groups related to your industry. This will help you keep up with current trends.

Go to meetings and seminars where you can network with others who are employed.

Volunteer. Helping others brings satisfaction. It's also a way to develop new skills and meet new people.

Find an accountability partner - preferably not a family member - whom you can meet with once a week. This will keep you motivated and on task.

Get away for a few days to clear your head.

Attack job-search tasks first thing in the morning. Then, as a reward, do something you enjoy in the afternoon.

Read the recommendations on your LinkedIn page to remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments.


The Twin Cities Healthcare Professionals' Network meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Bloomington Workforce Center. The group is open to anyone who has worked or is currently working in the healthcare industry. Attendees should register at the front desk before the meeting. The group also has a presence on LinkedIn. Find it by entering "Twin Cities Healthcare" in the groups search box.