Rumors of suicide attempts, trysts with soccer coaches, infidelity with the spouse's sister - the story of Larry King's most recent marriage could have kept tabloids humming for months. Except they didn't, really. No one blew it up and blared it on TMZ every day. Must be everyone's deep respect for King, and a desire to let his family go these troubled times with some privacy and dignity.

Or he has compromising pictures of everyone in the media. Lots of pictures. Anyway, it doesn't matter; the divorce is off, and they're making another go of it:

Reasons? Could be love. Could be mutual pity. Could be he didn't want to spend the money and she didn't want to lose any money, and so love conquered all. Whatever the reason, good for them - and somewhere Jesse James is cursing, again. She said those papers couldn't be withdrawn no matter what, even if I did have it surgically removed and put in a safe deposit box. Woman done-dang straight-up lied.