Full-time mom, 36

Seen at: The Retrorama party at the Minnesota History Center.

What are you wearing? A vintage Neiman Marcus jacket and blouse, and vintage Limited skirt and belt.

Describe your style: Clean and classic, with accessories that have some history or add punch to the ensemble.

What decade do you relate to most? I love the '40s and '50s, with their classic tailoring. To me, those decades are the epitome of femininity.

What modern pieces work well with vintage? Shoes. I think having the entire look being vintage should be left to special events like Retrorama.

What are your favorite vintage stores? I really like finding jewelry on eBay or estate sales. For clothing, you can find a treasure really anywhere: your grandmother's closet, My Sister's Closet or other consignment shops. For fit, it's better to try before you buy instead of shopping online.