I wish I could go to Comic-Con. Aside from the fact that it's in Lovely San Diego, it just looks like fun. Here are some shots that moved on the wire concerning the events of the day.

We heard there were nerds here. We have come to kill them, drive their women before us, and hear their lamentations. Oh, right, they don't have women. Well, just kill them, then.


I am dressed up as Red Ninja, a popular comic character from 1972. My mom threw out all my Red Ninja books when I went to college. I have dressed like this ever since in mourning.


Where am I? I'm at a John Wayne Gacy costum contest for Klondike Kate contestants!


In real life I am an Arby's manager.


Somehow Batman looks less ominous when he's credentialed.


Some people spend a lot of time on their zombie makeup. Looks like it would be easier just to walk into a bus: