The only proper way to dissect an American Public Media survey released Monday about the Super Bowl earlier this month in Minneapolis is by doing so in … hold on here … EXTREMELY MINNESOTAN FASHION.

So I created three fictional and over-the-top stereotypical Minnesota characters to react to takeaways from the survey, which was conducted with 973 adult Americans who live outside of Minnesota.

Fact 1: More than half of American adults (54 percent) could name where the game was played, including 47 percent who named Minneapolis when asked about the city, and another 7 percent who failed to name the city but accurately identified Minnesota as the state. The remaining 46 percent of Americans did not know where the Super Bowl was held.

Hank, age 53, over breakfast at a greater Minnesota diner, to nobody in particular: "Hmmm, seems about right. I'll tell you one thing, I'm sure glad I wasn't in Minneapolis. That was a gol dang [redacted] nightmare. At least that's what my sister tells me. She lives in the cities. Well, the suburbs. She didn't go near it, either. But that's what she said."

Fact 2: Young adults were considerably less likely to know the location than older adults. Only 37 percent of Americans age 18-34 were aware, compared to 53 percent of those age 35-44 and more than 60 percent of all Americans age 45 and above.

Jared, age 22, at brunch: "My Insta feed the whole week was pictures of food and people doing Super Bowl stuff. I don't know how anyone missed it even if they don't live here, but OK."

Fact 3: Overall, 37 percent of adults indicated that they were "more likely" to think of Minneapolis as a good place to visit as a result of Super Bowl media coverage, compared to 29 percent who said "less likely." Just under one-quarter of respondents said media coverage did not alter their impression of Minneapolis, and 11 percent said they did not know. … About 3 in 10 of those who were "less likely" named weather as their primary reason,

Susan, age 47, during wine club: "I mean, it seems like people like us, kind of, which is nice. That 29 percent number, though … I don't know, it's interesting. It would be impolite to say more, but if they don't like the weather here that's fine. We don't want them here. Did I just say that? The second glass of pinot must be kicking in! I'm not usually this catty."

You can read the summary and full report here. Or not.