Move over small-time Bitcoin exchanges, Wall Street has arrived – ArsTechnica
Add the life expectancy gap to the list of inequalities – NY Times
A glass of milk with dinner or lunch is increasingly an anachronism – StarTribune
Why is Ukraine's economy such a mess? – Harvard Business Review
Betting on people. Get $100,000, give up 6% of your pay – CNN
How never to get cheated by a car mechanic again – Marketwatch
Zebra mussels actually improve lake property values – Journal Sentinel
Yes, Target got warnings on data breach, but it's not that simple – Marketplace
Amerprise CEO makes 25 times more than Thrivent CEO. Why? – StarTribune
Fred Phelps, ex-communicated from his own church, on death's door – Daily Mail
18th century books looked a lot like smartphone screens – Clive Thompson