Instead of just coming out and telling you what I think of this movie, here is a clue: 31. Got it? 1931 is the year Hoover Dam was started. The structure is named for the 31st president of the United States, Herbert Hoover. Hoover's middle name is Clark. So the movie gets a C. What? None of that made any sense. Well, now you know what it feels like to watch the movie.

That's the kind of disjointed logic that drove the original "National Treasure" and has returned to haunt the sequel. In fact, everything about this film feels like a reshoot of the original movie. Nicolas Cage is back in the role of Benjamin Franklin Gates, an adventurer who has an unbelievable ability to unravel obscure historical clues. No, I really mean it. His abilities are unbelievable.

The movie would be a complete wash if not for some well-staged action sequences. Ignore all urges to think of the script in any logical terms. Accept that this is just a movie that depends on smoke and mirrors to create the illusion that it is far smarter than it really is.