Inconceivable! Rob Reiner, the director of "Stand By Me," "Spinal Tap," "Princess Bride" and other completely perfect movies can't get the studios to release his latest, "Flipped."

Here's your spot-on insightful YouTube comment of the day:

It's the dilemma we all face: gosh, that movie looks great! Charming story, beautiful cinematography, haunting score, literate script - but it does not contain an actor I have seen in six previous movies! Ergo I cannot see it! Dear Hollywood please put Julia Roberts in everything Kthnxbai

Maybe it's not getting traction because it's slow and obvious? Judging from the trailer, this isn't exactly fresh ground, and here's what the WSJ critic had to say:

So it's dull, then. The only question is why they just don't put it out there for a week or so. Unless Pirana 3D has taken all the available theaters.