As President Obama campaigns around the nation via Air Force One, he makes promise after promise to segments of America in order to divide us. It is an appropriate time to consider how he followed through on his promises last campaign as a predictor of how he would if reelected.

He promised to end earmark abuse, yet he signed an omnibus spending bill that contained 8,500 earmarks. He promised that lobbyists would not work in the White House, yet they do regularly. He stated that super PACs were a threat to democracy, yet he formed his own.

He promised he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his initial term, yet it has increased and he has added $5 trillion to our national debt. He promised unemployment would never exceed 8 percent, yet it does.

He promised poverty would decrease, yet more Americans are on government assistance then ever before. He promised he would fix the housing industry, yet it continues to drag down our economy, with no fix by him in sight.

So, as you consider his new, attractive promises, remember those before. His aim is to divide us into segments and classes in order to secure votes. He is the Great Divider, not a uniter. It is easy to divide people. It takes great leadership to unite people.


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I'm looking at buying one of two different "cars" this November, and I'll need it to get me through the next four years (or more). One is a cool, sporty model that's been out for just over three years. It has some fine points, but those appear to be mostly on the surface.

So far, it has a questionable track record for delivering on its 2008 marketing promises. The second one is a new model. While untested, it is built on a highly successful, sturdy platform that touts sound economic practices and a family-friendly dependability. Hmmmm? The next four years? Sporty? Sturdy?