A big awwww for Gail Rosenblum and her "Plane Aggravating" (Source, April 15)! Airline passengers are getting exactly what they wanted -- low airfares and lowered taxes. Thanks to this combination the nation's infrastructure, air, road and, yes, even rail have been ignored for years. There's been virtually no investment in the air traffic control system, the interstate highway system is crumbling under minimal maintenance, and multiple Congresses and administrations have been trying to kill Amtrak for 30 years!

Next time the airline cancels your flight and tells you maybe you'll be able to get out tomorrow or the next day, try booking a train seat if one goes near your destination. Yes, under some circumstances a comfortable spacious reclining leg rest seat aboard even a pokey long-distance train beats sitting in the airport for days. If you're lucky enough to book a sleeping accommodation, nirvana! You come out a winner with a private room, reasonably comfortable bed instead of a very public airport-provided cot.

Dear domestic leisure airline passenger, you deserve a comfortable alternative to flying. Demand that Congress grant Amtrak the funding it needs to repair damaged equipment and order more equipment. Maybe someday we'll even have high-speed rail like poorer countries such as Portugal, Spain and Argentina.