You've probably heard the news about Michael Beasley getting busted for speeding and cited for marijuana possession already (thus confirming that nothing good happens when an athlete is out at 3 a.m.).

But they symmetry/contrast between last year and this year? Well that's just too good to pass up.

July 2010: The infamous David Kahn interview on ESPN 1500. Kahn was fined $50,000 for talking about Beasley's marijuana habit. It was addressed, at that point, in the past tense:

"He's a very young and immature kid who smoked too much marijuana and has told me that he's not smoking anymore, and I told him that I would trust him as long as that was the case," Kahn said Thursday during an interview with 1500 ESPN Twin Cities. "He has developed a really good support system around him this past season in Miami. He's hired people to help him grow up."

July 2011: It is revealed that Beasley was found with marijuana in his vehicle after being stopped for speeding at 3 a.m. His vehicle had "more than a half-ounce" of weed in it. The very helpful message board at Grass City will tell you that a half-ounce is roughly equal, visually, to half a sandwich bag full of the stuff.

We can only assume at this point that he was hanging onto it for a friend. If not: Does Kahn still trust him?