A judge in Carver County has denied an emergency petition from Prince's heirs to move the vault containing masters of his unreleased music and videos from Los Angeles back to Paisley Park in Chanhassen.

In a letter Monday, First District Judge Kevin W. Eide scolded the heirs and their attorney, saying it would be easier and less costly if the heirs and Comerica Bank & Trust, the company appointed to manage Prince's assets, simply sat down and talked to one another.

"The court strongly condemns bringing this matter before the court without adequate discussion between the parties and will sanction a party for doing so in the future," the judge wrote.

The heirs' attorney, William R. Skolnick, filed a petition Friday saying the Prince material could be in danger from the wildfires in southern California. The petition asked that the vault be moved "to a more secure facility" and suggested Paisley Park.

Six of the late superstar's heirs have been feuding with Comerica and its predecessors since his death in April 2016. Comerica transported the vault to an undisclosed facility in Los Angeles after it said mold and water at Paisley Park had damaged some of the recordings.