On the stump and in debate, gubernatorial candidate Tom Rukavina tells folks of his allegiance to buying American made union goods.

His suit is made in America, his pants are made in America, even his underwear, he pledges, is made in America. The spiel concludes: "Trust me on that one."

At the DFL convention, there'll be no need to take the undergarb claim on faith -- he'll sell you his underwear.

Well, not really his but he'll have some lovely blue boxers, imprinted with his "refreshingly honest" campaign motto emblazoned on the bum for sale for $20

a pop. And yes, they are made in America and the printing has a clear union bug.

Rukavina state director Steve Cerkvenik dropped by the pictured pair of the garb Wednesday and noted that, besides for the printer and Cervkenik, the Hot Dish is the first person to see them.

"It is really part of the symbol and part of the message," Cerkvenik said. Rukavina has long looked for creative ways to boost jobs and "keep the jobs here," he said. "It's humor and personality and boxer shorts but we will also have results."