Aside from Popsicles and pedicures, the easiest way to embrace spring is to slip into something colorful. Why should the sun get all the attention?

Let it be your spotlight instead.

Sure, you've been eyeing that orange top, coral maxi skirt, lime belt or neon pink shoe, but you just don't know where you'd wear it.

The answer? Anywhere. Or perhaps everywhere.

You don't need a special occasion to flirt with color. You just need to know that color is your sassy, outspoken friend.

White can be bold in a dainty sort of way, and pastels are lovely with their polished lady charm. But brights are unexpected and unpredictable -- hard to ignore.

People will stare. People will talk. People will smile. Children will admire you.

So go with your gut. You know your taste, and you know your style. If you look in the mirror and bright beautiful colors make you happy -- the kind of happy that makes you smile and want to do a twirl -- then all the naysayers can just strut off in their ho-hum cream and gray.

The youthful energy of color is infectious. Sourpusses don't wear neon strawberry.

Maybe you aren't the woman to don an orange sweater and skirt tied with a red patent leather bow belt and patent leather orange and coral shoes. But maybe you won't know until you try.