Ghost towns of New Mexico, from Vice:

Not enough pictures. There's a book coming out, so you'll get your fill of forlorn rusty structures. Or you could troll around North Dakota on Google Street View. If I had to guess I'd say the plains states have New Mexico beat in the ghost-town department.

Depending on how you define the term, that is. Now it seems to include places that still have some habitation, and there are a sad quantity of Midwest towns that qualify. A few houses, one ancient bank or store that hasn't seen a customer since 1966, the Lynchian swinging traffic light set perpetually on yellow. You wonder which county will be the first to depopulate entirely.

GAMING You will play the character the game wants, not the one you want: so it's always been. Now and then you get to customize, but the parameters are still set by the devs. Now there are new twists. Motherboard:

Okay, but here's the headline:

This Game Is Forcing Some Players to Be Women, And They're Freaking Out.

That's different. Either you're being forced to play a character you don't want to play, or it's an option. Which is it? Well, it's the former. You are required to play whatever the game gives you. Says the game's developer:

The "half the population" remark must refer to the potential number of female players, but about five percent of the Steam platform's users of female. So it's not half the of the players of the game.

The Reddit thread mentioned in the article isn't as flamey as the article suggests. People are complaining that they don't want to play as a different gender. Is this no longer a valid critique?