If you need suggestions for fixing your finances in 2011, head to the web for loads of financial resolutions to choose from.

I shared some of my money goals for 2011 in a blog post earlier this week. Since then, my in-box and Twitter feed has been practically taken over by New Year's resolutions, many of them financial in nature.

So, choose your own resolution here, safe partying tonight, and I'll see you on the other side.

I'll start by sharing Brad Tuttle's compilation of money-themed New Year's Resolution posts from the web, including the aforementioned post from yours truly. The Time blogger has created such a solid list of good reads that I wonder if I shouldn't turn off the computer and go home for a White Russian. It's a long list, so make sure you read the post from J.D. Roth at Get Rich Slowly and Farnoosh Torabi over at MoneyWatch.

This piece by Steven B. Smith of Finicity Corp is making the rounds on Twitter. It's a thorough list in case you feel you need a refresher on common wise financial moves to make.

The National Endowment for Financial Education makes an excellent point. What's the point in coming up with resolutions to improve your finances if you don't know what makes you tick? Figure out your money values first. the NEFE suggests starting with the group's LifeValues quiz:

I'll leave you with two suggestions. First, be specific. Don't just say "save money" because without a plan, you'll get nowhere. Save money by automatically saving $20 more a week, eliminating an expense or giving up a vice. Everyone I know who has been successful with making changes in their financial life did so through discipline, focus and a detailed plan. Secondly, be patient. It takes a lot of time to pay down debt or save toward a major purchase. Amanda Grimm, whom I profiled on her quest to get out of debt, will post a piece of paper on her fridge and like a temperature guage during a telethon, will color in her progress. I love that simple, but effective tracking device. Others use online tools such as Mint.com. Find the one that works for you