How many colds do people get each year? The center for Disease Control and Prevention says "Adults have an average of 2-3 colds per year, and children have even more." WebMD - which you should never look at, because yes you are dying - says two to four. I get about one per year, and I am enduring it right now. The fun part. The achey shivery part. No drugs except for Zinc, because DayQuil and the like just mask the symptoms. Er - yes, that's the point. They let you go with your day. Granted, but it's not as if DayQuil magically makes you non-contagious. You can still spread the cold. I do wonder how I got this one, but considering I was just in Vegas, and then on a plane, there were many opportunities. Don't recall licking any elevator buttons or running my hands along public guardrails then rubbing my eyes, somehow it happened.

The only good thing about having a cold is that you don't have to worry about getting a cold. That tickle in the throat, the slight chill - no need to wonder if you're getting sick. You are! Except this isn't right. You can get multiple colds simultaneously. You can have the cold AND the flu, although you probably wouldn't notice.

OBSESSION One man's search to find the origins of a mysterious police-radio voice. The article doesn't have an example of what he's talking about, oddly enough. It's this.

A parody of a hard-boiled noir style, or just a bad example of the genre? You decide:

It's a mystery! A huge, baffling, unsolvable mystery!

First google hit: Ask Reddit.

Why is the sound bite "liberty 285, code 6, 105 north avenue,52" always used for police scanners in movies and tv shows?

First answer:

The General Series 6000 Sound Effects Library Disk 6,038 track 97 "Police Radio Call"

Someone knew that off the top of his head? Bit more complex than that, as the article notes. BTW, the author says: "Given this, and the sound's overwhelming use in the proto-reality show COPS, it emerged that it was produced in the early 1990s." I've watched COPS for years, and never heard it.

"132 and Bush, I've got him at gunpoint" - that's another matter.