Cassidy Brewin, senior, Chanhassen High School

6 a.m. Wake up.

6:45 Leave for school, eat breakfast in the car.

7 Student leadership council meeting.

8:10 AP literature and composition.

9:36 Scheduled break: Organize homework, talk to teachers, chat with friends.

9:56 World studies.

11:25 AP calculus.

11:49 Lunch.

12:19 p.m. Back to AP calculus.

1:30 AP physics.

3 School day ends. Stay late to talk to teachers, work on college applications or take part in school musical.

3:30 Soccer practice or part-time job.

5 Drive home.

6 Dinner.

7 Homework, typically three hours.

10 Watch TV or surf the Internet.

11 Sleep.