Washington County police blotter

February 2, 2013 at 10:17PM


DEC. 31

Theft. A snowboard valued at $180 was reported stolen at Afton Alps, 6600 Peller Av.


DEC. 28

Vehicle/snowmobile accident. Police checked on a report of an accident involving a vehicle and a snowmobile on 122nd Street near the Withrow Ballroom & Event Center at 12169 Keystone Av. Apparently neither driver stopped and the vehicles collided. There were no injuries but both vehicles sustained minor damage.

JAN. 3

Suspicious activity. A resident in the 6000 block of 152nd Street reported footprints leading up to a window of his home. Police found footprints leading to an outdoor meter that then went directly to the next-door neighbor's house. They noted no footprints leading to any windows.


JAN. 3

Burglary. Police found the front door smashed in when they responded to an alarm that went off at the HAIRitage 'Hous, 9242 Hudson Blvd. A canine unit checked the building, which was empty; $76 was missing from the business.

JAN. 6

Horses at large. Police used their emergency lights to slow traffic while two loose horses were contained on Stillwater Boulevard west of Lake Elmo Avenue.


DEC. 30

Unwanted customer. Police arrested two men who created a disturbance and refused to leave the Dugout Bar, 96 Mahtomedi Av. Police used a Taser on one of the men to subdue him.


JAN. 4

Interrupted burglary. A man in the 700 block of Broadway Street reported returning to his home to find an unfamiliar car in the driveway and a side door open. He said he encountered a female near his patio area with money sticking out of her pockets. He talked to her about five minutes. Afterward, he discovered $215 was missing from an upstairs bedroom and called police.


DEC. 28

Disturbance. A man reported he flagged down a snowplow driver regarding the bad job he'd been doing in the 1500 block of Grenada Avenue. The driver became upset and said, "What are you going to do about it? Beat me up?" The complainant told the driver to get off the property and he left.

DEC. 31

Theft. Twelve propane tanks were taken overnight from a cage outside Food-N-Fuel, 7445 15th St.


JAN. 7

Stalled car. A man was found asleep at the wheel of his vehicle at 5:20 a.m. at a stop sign at Stonebridge Trail and Partridge Road. The man told police his car had stalled at 4 a.m. and he was waiting until 7 a.m. to get help. Police moved the vehicle off the road and gave the man a ride to a nearby gas station.


JAN. 6

Suspicious activity. A resident in the 600 block of Oakgreen Avenue Court reported someone going through a neighbor's mailbox. Police determined it was someone delivering the newspaper and not any criminal activity.


DEC. 31

Cougar sighting. A man in the area of Gironde Court and Haute Court reported seeing what he thought was a cougar. He said he startled it and it ran into some nearby woods. An officer searched the area with negative results.

Items are selected from reports made to police departments and are not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of crime.

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