As told by Brenna Burley:
Trophy tale: Hello, sturgeon
August 17, 2011 at 1:34AM

"This was my first time sturgeon fishing so I didn't exactly know what to expect. All of a sudden my boyfriend, Josh Stanek, got a bite, but because he had caught a small sturgeon the day before, he told me I could reel this one in. I needed his help because the fish probably would have pulled me into the river. It fought for about 10 minutes. Of course all us girls were screaming, having a great time! During the fight I was reeling, but the sturgeon would take off with more line. I finally had to give the pole to Josh -- my hands were shaking -- and we landed it. I could not believe the size! It was 56 inches. We released it. This was an experience of a lifetime -- the adrenaline and excitement was unforgettable!"