Well, we end the day with an AP story and two videos. Only in Wisconsin is the only set-up you need.

There was more than one reason to "fear the deer" this weekend in Wisconsin.

The rallying cry for the Milwaukee Bucks turned into a punchline Sunday afternoon when two deer burst through the glass doors of a Menomonie restaurant as patrons watched the Bucks playoff game.

Stout Ale House general manager Jay Ouellette (wool-LET') says the lead buck apparently hurt itself. Its snout was bloodied and it was dazed, allowing two customers to wrestle it to the ground.

The other deer ran into a private room. Ouellette and a colleague managed to wrestle that one down as well. They carried both deer outside and the animals ran off.

Ouellette says the 30 or so customers were stunned at first but then began joking that they really did fear the deer.

Video 1: The deer busting through the door.

Video 2: A man subduing one of the deer.