As predicted, someone snuck a camera into the theater to shoot the trailer for J.J. Abrams' SECRET PROJECT. This is indeed the Spielberg collaboration, which might explain why you'll have flashbacks to "Close Encounters." But it's not Richard Dreyfuss driving around at night in a pickup truck. Or is it?
"Super 8" trailer "leaked"
By jameslileks
May 7, 2010 at 5:11PM
Wonder if it's a real bootleg or a fake version created by the studio and snuck into the world via fake YouTube accounts. It's like you can't trustHollywood anymore, can you? Sad.
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Food & Culture
One last summer: 'Chief cook and bottle washer' hands off her beloved mom-and-pop resort
Five generations have vacationed at Ely’s charming, rustic Camp Van Vac. As the end of a family legacy approached, guests anxiously awaited its fate.