Overwhelming response greets authors at book signings at Xcel

December 27, 2007 at 4:18PM

The Wild claims to have had nothing but sellouts in its 7½ seasons in St. Paul. Among the reasons for this success is an ability to read the team's audience and go after it with an aggressive marketing style.

One area where the Wild found itself surprised was the appetite for North Stars nostalgia with Minnesota's hockey crowd.

Lou Nanne and Bob Showers wanted to sign their new book, "Minnesota North Stars: History and Memories with Lou Nanne" at the Wild's season opener.

"We were told that they would take 50 books, and whatever was left they could probably sell out of the merchandise shop," Showers said. "We brought 400 on consignment and had no trouble selling them."

The Wild quickly ordered another 700, followed by more orders. At this point, the new NHL team has taken more than 2,500 North Stars books, including 300-plus that it distributed to suite-holders.

"The best signing we had at the X was for the matinee game on the Friday after Thanksgiving," Showers said. "We were signing between the second and third periods. The Wild had a terrible game, so people were lined up through the third period and we still were signing an hour after the game."

Columbus won 4-0. Bad for the Wild. Good for book-selling.


about the writer

about the writer

Patrick Reusse


Patrick Reusse is a sports columnist who writes three columns per week.

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