Obama's performance -- poll results by groups

August 2, 2010 at 1:06PM

A look at what Minnesotans think about President Obama's job performance.

Approve Disapprove Don't know

Total 44% 44% 12%


Male 41% 46% 13%

Female 47% 41% 12%

Age Approve Disapprove Don't know

18-34 47% 36% 17%

35-44 38% 44% 18%

45-64 47% 47% 6%

65 + 44% 52% 4%

Education Approve Disapprove DK

H.S. or less 41% 45% 14%

Some college 41% 44% 15%

College grad 53% 42% 5%

Household income Approve Disapprove DK

Under $30,000 43% 45% 12%

$30,000 to $49,999 50% 42% 9%

$50,000 to $74,999 42% 41% 17%

$75,000 and above 40% 51% 10%

Party identification A D DK

Republican 12% 77% 11%

Democratic 78% 14% 8%

Independent 40% 48% 12%

Geography A D DK

7-county metro 49% 42% 9%

Rest of state 39% 46% 15%

Source: Star Tribune Minnesota Poll of 902 adults conducted by telephone and cell phone, July 26-29. Margin of sampling error: No greater than 4.3 percentage points, plus or minus, at a 95 percent confidence level.

Land line v. cell phone

Minnesotans' phone habits are changing, with 23 percent relying on cell phones only. Another 65 percent use a cell phone but retain a land line. An increasingly smaller share, 12 percent, have land lines only in their homes.

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