North/East police report, Dec. 25

December 24, 2016 at 4:50AM


NOV. 29

Drunken driving. A 20-year-old man was arrested for drunken driving after officers found him and his vehicle in a cornfield in the 15000 block of Prairie Road NW. He had been injured and was taken to the hospital.


NOV. 26

Drugs. A 24-year-old man was arrested for possession of a controlled substance after being stopped for a moving violation at 125th Avenue NE. and NE. Harpers Street.


NOV. 30

Drugs. A 30-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man were arrested for possession of a controlled substance after they were stopped for expired vehicle registration at NE. Briarwood and Baltimore streets.

DEC. 2

Burglary. A cash box was stolen from Blue Ribbon Pines Disc Golf Course, 1901 Klondike Dr. NE. Forced entry was gained through a window.


NOV. 23

Drunken driving. Police checking on two drivers who had just been involved in a minor traffic accident near Larpenteur and Snelling avenues arrested one of them for drunken driving after she registered 0.15 on a breathalyzer test.

NOV. 24

Counterfeit money. Two counterfeit $20 bills were used in separate transactions at a gas station in the 1600 block of Snelling Avenue. One transaction was completed and the other was denied.


NOV. 27

Burglary. Electronic cigarettes were stolen from E-Cig Clubhouse, 13743 Aberdeen St. NE. The front window was smashed to gain entry.

NOV. 30

Theft. A golf cart was stolen from Majestic Oaks Golf Course, 701 Bunker Lake Blvd.


NOV. 23

Theft. A woman at a gas station in the 1700 block of White Bear Avenue left an employee a note stating that a man was forcing her to steal merchandise, then left the store with some sandwiches and bags of chips without paying. She was observed on video getting into a white van in the parking lot.

NOV. 26

Stolen vehicle. A 28-year-old man was arrested for possession of a stolen vehicle and attempted motor vehicle theft in the 2500 block of Ivy Avenue.


NOV. 22

Theft. A tip jar containing about $100 was stolen from a business in the 2300 block of West County Road E.

NOV. 25

Damage to property. A rock thrown through a window in the 2000 block of Old Hwy. 8 NW. caused $1,250 in damage.


NOV. 19

Ordinance complaint. Someone complained that a political campaign sign still up in a yard in the 1400 block of Pinewood Drive violated a city ordinance. Police viewed the sign on private property and found no violation.

Disturbance. Police were called to the FedEx Office Print and Ship Center, 8300 City Centre Dr., when a customer became upset that his package was not there. He refused to identify himself to police but was cooperative when asked to leave.

NOV. 25

Suspicious activity. A beeping noise was heard coming from a trash can near Kargel Park, 9301 Tamarack Road. Police found an old smoke detector in the trash with a battery still attached to it. The beeping stopped when the battery was disconnected.

John Wareham • 612-673-7759

and Susan Hilliard • 612-673-7131

An arrest or citation means police suspect a crime has occurred; they are allegations and still must go before a judge. Items are selected from reports made to police departments and are not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of crime.

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