McCain + Pawlenty on radio Friday = what might have been

The former Presidential candidate will be a Pawlenty guest on WCCO

By rachelsb

September 3, 2010 at 1:09PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

On his WCCO radio show from the Fair Friday, Gov. Tim Pawlenty will chat with former 2008 presidential candidate John McCain, the man who passed over Pawlenty to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate.

McCain and Pawlenty in 2008'source: AP file photo
McCain and Pawlenty in 2008'source: AP file photo (The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Although Pawlenty isn't known for his wistfulness, the telephone interview may well spark thoughts of what might have been.

When Pawlenty did his radio show from the Fair in 2008, it was clear that the Minnesota governor would not be a vice presidential candidate.

Now, Pawlenty is doing his last Fair radio show as governor and potentially gearing up for his own run for president and McCain has just survived a Republican primary where he faced a challenger for his own Senate seat.

All that and corndogs too will make for a fun Fair poli-fest.

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