Minnesotans know what volunteerism means. Ask anyone today along the Red River. High school and college students, National Guard members, and people of all ages who have an ethic of service are working hard to preserve great communities.
Letter of the Day: The reaction along the Red River shows that volunteerism works
By Jim Scheibel
This week the U.S. Senate is debating the National Service Act. Senators can join the House in passing the bill strongly supported by President Obama. The legislation would strengthen AmeriCorps, increase service opportunities for students and older adults, and promote volunteerism. All would address education, health, the environment and the building of our communities.
We in Minnesota know to get things done through service. What a boost it would be during this economic crisis for Congress to tap the spirit and energy of citizens.
Jim Scheibel, St. Paul; interim director, Minnesota Campus Compact, former director, VISTA and the Senior Corps and former St. Paul mayor
about the writer
Jim Scheibel
There is no contradiction in wanting to stop illegal border crossings and deport criminals while also showing mercy to refugees.