Letter of the Day (Sept. 18): Mayor Rybak

September 17, 2011 at 8:54PM
Last month at Minneapolis city hall, Kris Broberg made his point about taxes being too high to Mayor R.T. Rybak. "My taxes have gone up four times in the fourteen years."
Last month at Minneapolis city hall, Kris Broberg made his point about taxes being too high to Mayor R.T. Rybak. "My taxes have gone up four times in the fourteen years." (Dml - Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

I was flabbergasted that the Star Tribune Editorial Board supported Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak's proposed 2012 budget ("Holding the line on property tax hikes," Sept. 15).

The editorial lauded the zero tax increase without talking about the consequences. It's budget magic that a zero increase is achieved, not because there are no consequences, but because those consequences are hidden.

There are apparently 90 positions being cut, and the public hasn't been given the details about those jobs. In an era of rolling fire station closures, this is significant.

A bicycle coordinator? Who knows? Cuts to police? Who knows? You presented all the positives without telling us about the real impact. Citizens are losing out. There has been no discussion about the budget in this city.

I shouldn't have to lecture a news outlet about the importance of news in the civic life of a community. It has a responsibility to provide all the information to a community, not just the spin a politician wants folks to hear.


The writer is vice president of the Board of Estimate and Taxation in Minneapolis.

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