Letter of the Day (Dec. 4): Immigration

December 3, 2011 at 10:24PM
Illustration: Immigration.
Illustration: Immigration. (Susan Hogan — Tribune Media Services/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

GOP presidential candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry should be commended for using both their heads and hearts when it comes to immigration policies.

We are a nation of immigrants. We need to remember how we treated the Chinese, Irish, Italians and Polish when our ancestors came to this land of opportunity. Where are Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty in our national consciousness today?

If our immigration quotas were the same today as then, the door for a legal pathway would be much wider. Why do we have such a scarcity mentality in this land of milk and honey?

This displaced anger toward immigrants really should rest with the bankers, Wall Street traders and corporate executives. The laborers in the fields, the housekeepers and landscapers are not the source of our economic hardship.

The undocumented laborers among us contribute more to our Social Security system and pay more taxes then they consume in public benefits.

If we are to find a humane and lasting solution to this challenge, we need to address more than just border security and workplace enforcement.

With compassion and reason, we can see the human plight of the undocumented among us and appreciate where their hearts are. Family values for the whole human family.


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