Klobuchar emphasizes Minnesota ties

In a personal, sentimental speech, senior senator shows she's connected.

By loristurdeva

June 2, 2012 at 8:07PM

As she collected endorsement for a second term at the DFL state convention Saturday, U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar also put on a clinic of sorts for politicians who covet her high public-opinion approval numbers. In a personal and at times sentimental speech, Klobuchar emphasized how her family and individual Minnesotans had inspired her lawmaking efforts in Washington.

She told about how Minnesota families' experiences informed her efforts to ease overseas adoptions. The lead-poisoning death of a Minnesota boy inspired her bill restricting the sale of toys made of lead; an Edina girl's swimming pool accident led to her swimming pool drain safety measure. Meeting Minnesota National Guard troops and their families spurred her efforts, along with Republican U.S. Rep. John Kline of Minnesota's Second District, to secure the post-deployment paid leaves that had been promised them.

"I see my job as taking this spirit, these stories, the ideas I get from people around this state, and turning them into action," Klobuchar said. She's guided not by awarness of "what's right and what's left, but what's right and what's wrong" in Minnesotans' eyes.

"Even in the wilderness that is Washington, I know that the best way to lead is to follow the North Star," she said, referring to Minnesota's state motto. Klobuchar made little reference to the issue that her GOP opponent, state Rep. Kurt Bills, plans to use to fault her record -- the nation's large and growing deficit. But in post-endorsement comments, she said she is working closely with a bipartisan group of several dozen senators to craft a $4 trillion, 10-year deficit reduction package. The fact that it's bipartisan makes it promising, she said. "We need someone willing to work across party lines to get things done. And that's what I've done," she said. "That's the only way we'll bring this debt down."

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