Insider trading

June 9, 2013 at 7:00PM

Ameriprise Financial Inc.

James Cracchiolo CEO

Exercised options: 100,000 Price: $43.66

Shares sold: 11,507 Price: $83.60

Date: May 30Directly holds: 394,227

Capella Education Co.

Andrew Slavitt director

Shares sold: 875 Price: $43.90

Date: May 30Directly holds: 3,682

Datalink Corp.

Gregory Barnum CFO

Shares sold: 5,000 Price: $11.47

Date: May 30Directly holds: 117,439

Paul Lidsky CEO

Shares sold: 1,896 Price: $11.50–$11.52

Date: May 31–June 3Directly holds:


Delta Air Lines Inc.

Edward Bastian president

Shares sold: 13,300 Price: $19.12

Date: May 28Directly holds: 454,102

Fair Isaac Corp.

Andrew Jennings officer

Exercised options: 39,390 Price:


Shares sold: 51,073 Price: $49.25–$49.51

Date: May 31–June 3Indirectly holds:


Graco Inc.

Lee Mitau director

Exercised options: 3,000 Price: $29.48

Shares sold: 3,000 Price: $63.10

Date: May 29Directly holds: 59,139

Graco Inc. (CONT.)

Robert William Van Sant director

Exercised options: 7,500 Price:


Shares sold: 7,500 Price: $63.10

Date: May 29Directly holds: 5,000

Navarre Corp.

David Monroe Jr. director

Shares purchased: 30,000 Price: $2.35–$2.37

Date: May 31–June 3Directly holds:


Richard Willis CEO

Shares purchased: 2,000 Price: $2.36

Date: May 31Directly holds: 394,300

Pentair LTD.

Frederick Koury officer

Exercised options: 52,777 Price:


Shares sold: 52,777 Price: $58–$59.01

Date: May 28–31Directly holds: 46,184

Polaris Industries Inc.

Raymond Schreck director

Exercised options: 2,500 Price: $29.60

Shares sold: 2,500 Price: $96

Date: May 31Directly holds: 480

Proto Labs Inc.

Rainer Gawlick director

Shares sold: 2,000 Price: $53.40

Date: May 29Directly holds: 4,250

Margaret Loftus director

Shares sold: 10,000 Price: $53.83

Date: May 30Directly holds: 71,250

Rimage Corp.

Sherman Black CEO

Shares purchased: 6,000 Price:


Date: May 30–31Indirectly holds: 89,200

Silver Bay Realty Trust

Brian Taylor director

Shares purchased: 4,987 Price: $17.90

Date: May 31Directly holds: 35,449

Target Corp.

Timothy Baer officer

Shares sold: 10,832 Price: $70.51

Date: May 28Directly holds: 39,395

Beth Jacob officer

Exercised options: 15,474 Price: $33.80

Shares sold: 15,474 Price: $70.32

Date: May 30Directly holds: 44,316

John Mulligan officer

Exercised options: 17,093 Price:


Shares sold: 17,093 Price: $69.91

Date: May 31Directly holds: 44,098

Toro Co.

William Brown Jr. officer

Exercised options: 16,000 Price: $12.08

Shares sold: 235 Price: $47.67

Date: May 31Indirectly holds: 117,881

Winmark Corp.

Steven Zola officer and director

Exercised options: 2,500 Price: $13.01

Date: June 3

Shares sold: 6,795 Price: $60.43–$61.05

Date: May 2–June 3Indirectly holds:


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