The Peter Frampton fan who unwittingly triggered the classic rocker's onstage meltdown during Sunday's concert in Red Wing got a phone call from her guitar hero, who "apologized over and over" and arranged to sign the album cover she brought to the concert.
'Humble and sweet' Frampton calls Twin Cities fan, apologizes for concert meltdown
Classic rocker also arranges to give longtime fan that autograph she was pursuing.

Sherry Tupa, of Champlin, said Frampton "was so humble and sweet" during their conversation Wednesday evening, which was set up by his tour manager.
Frampton's mid-level tirade unfolded Sunday night during his performance at Treasure Island Resort and Casino, where Tupa was shown on the big video screens on each side of the stage waving one of Frampton's albums during his guitar solo. Many fans cheered Tupa's fleeting fame, but Frampton was annoyed.
When a second album being waved similarly appeared, Frampton loomed large on the video display and uttered a two-word expletive, then halted the show until assured that the screens would go black. He also started tugging at the video crew member's camera for a brief time until letting go.
Frampton called "and apologized over and over [and also] talked about the fact that he did not handle it correctly."
Along with apologizing to Tupa, of Champlin, the 67-year-old native Londoner insisted that she send him that "Frampton Comes Alive" album cover for him to sign and ship back to her. Tupa said that getting his signature was what inspired her to bring it to the show in the first place.
Oddly enough, Tupa had the camera operator who tussled with Frampton sign the cover, not thinking she'd ever get the rocker's autograph on it. Now she'll have both signatures.
"I kind of wish I hadn't done that," Tupa said, referring to the consolation signature. "It is what it is, I guess."
Paul Walsh • 612-673-4482