Heat Leads Late Week Highlights

By AccuWeather

June 15, 2010 at 7:25PM

Uncomfortable heat and humidity will expand its hold from the South into theMidwest late in the week.On Friday, the area reaching, or at least nearing, 90 F will span Kansas Cityand Omaha to Chicago to Detroit. Heightened humidity will make it feel morelike 100 F over the mid-Mississippi and Ohio valleys.

Southern heat will hold steady or even sharpen a bit as temperatures reach andexceed the mid-90s from Texas to Georgia and the Carolinas. Humidity here willmake it seem more like 100 F to 110 F. Some areas will get scattered drenchingstorms and temporary relief from the heat.

Elsewhere, strong sunshine will help to bring about a warmer afternoon in theEast, where mid-Atlantic hot spots will near 90 F.

A storm cruising Canada's eastern Prairies will stir up gusty winds and somerain over the northern Plains.

From the Rockies to the Pacific coast, dry weather will hold sway, mostly underbright sunshine. Truly hot weather will hold to the usual hot spots of theDesert Southwest.

Story by AccuWeather.com Senior Meteorologist Jim Andrews.

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