An eastward-advancing front will push thunderstorms into the I-95 corridorMonday. Breaks of sunshine, combined with rising humidity values will fuel theatmosphere for the gusty storms.Thunderstorms will march through the eastern Great Lakes and Ohio Valley Sundaynight with the threat of gusty, damaging winds and downpours.
Great Lakes Storms Push East
By AccuWeather
August 15, 2010 at 7:25PM
Storms will again impact the I-95 corridor from the late morning into the earlyevening hours Monday. Brief, heavy downpours, frequent lightning and damagingwinds will accompany the storms. A few spots may see small hail. The area willdry out from west to east Monday evening into Monday night with drier andslightly cooler air.
Story by Meteorologist Justin Povick.
about the writer
NONFICTION: “Category Five” says those catastrophic events are commonly being eclipsed, because of climate crisis.