Friday's Page 2 tipsheet

Logic says the Twins shouldn't sell out this season and mortgage the future, but logic gets hard to find when teams below the Twins in the wild card standings keep adding players who could doom Minnesota.
The Twins made it to the trading deadline with a tenuous grip on a playoff spot. The only way to firm it up is to start winning consistently again, and Seattle (7 p.m., FSN) presents a good opportunity.
"Where is the mention of the fact that [Cordarrelle] Patterson played last year with a rookie QB that couldn't get the ball to him? This kid is getting the raw deal all the way around and I hope that he is a starter before the season is over."
— indastix commenting on
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"Rogers Centre makes me miss Vernon Wells. Thinking of you Vernon, wherever you are."
— Andy McCullough of the Kansas City Star; Wells then tweeted back, "Hi Andy!!!"
about the writer
The accuracy of the Wolves guard's outside shooting determines the effectiveness of his off-the-dribble plays, and stats since December show a dramatic gain.