Fixit: $49.5 million from lottery went to environment

By KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune

June 6, 2008 at 6:14PM

Q How much money does the lottery make for the state? Doesn't that money go for conservation?

A In fiscal year 2007, the lottery generated $112.4 million for state projects and programs, said Marie Hinton with the Minnesota State Lottery in Roseville.

Of that amount, $49.5 million went to environmental programs, she said.

Most of that, about $29.5 million -- or 7 cents of every dollar spent on lottery tickets -- went to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.

The Trust Fund finances projects that preserve, restore and enhance the state's natural resources. For example:

• The Paul Bunyan State Trail, 100 miles of trails for hiking, bicycling, in-line skating and snowmobiling between Brainerd and Bemidji, was acquired and developed with $1.25 million from the fund.

• More than $2.2 million from the fund has gone to improve Gooseberry Falls State Park, the most visited park in the State Park system.

This year, 29 Trust Fund projects will receive $21.4 million from lottery funds. Since 1990, when the Trust Fund began collecting money, it has financed 370 projects worth $229 million.

Hinton said that two other environmental programs receive a portion of lottery dollars: In fiscal year 2007 the Game and Fish Fund and the Natural Resources Fund (different from the Trust Fund) each received $9.95 million, or about 2.3 cents of every dollar spent on lottery tickets.

The rest of the lottery profits goes into the state's General Fund for programs such as public safety, human services and education.

Recycling paper Q Can shredded papers be recycled? How?

A Yes Put shredded paper in closed paper bags.

Other paper that can be recycled, according to, include:

• Mail, office and school papers

• Magazines and catalogs

• Newspapers and inserts

• Phone books

• Shredded paper (in closed paper bags)

• Cardboard boxes

• Cereal boxes, cracker boxes, pasta boxes, cake mix boxes

• Shoe boxes, gift boxes & electronics boxes

• Boxes from toothpaste, medications and other toiletries

Paper products that cannot be recycled include:

• Pizza boxes, egg cartons or boxes soiled with food

• Boxes from refrigerated or frozen foods

• Paper towels, napkins, cups and plates

• Gift wrap

When it comes to food boxes:

• If the product is stored in the cupboard, the box is recyclable.

• If it goes in the fridge, freezer or microwave, it isn't.

Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-7032, or e-mail Past columns are available at Sorry, Fixit cannot supply individual replies. Fixit appears daily in Source except on Friday.

about the writer

about the writer

KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune