Earmarks of the Minnesota delegation
Amy Klobuchar (D)
Had a hand in: 67 earmarks worth $100 million
Solo earmarks: Seven worth $5 million
Notable: $1.9 million for the Hastings bridge
Norm Coleman (R-in election challenge)
Had a hand in: 83 earmarks worth $109 million
Solo earmarks: Eight worth more than $1 million
Notable: $285,000 for Open Arms of Minnesota, to help people with HIV/AIDS
Tim Walz (D), First District
Had a hand in: 21 earmarks worth $116 million
Solo earmarks: One worth $475,000
Notable: $27 million between Minnesota and several other states to provide treated water from the Missouri River
John Kline (R) Second District
Pledged not to take earmarks
Jim Ramstad (R-retired) Third District
Had a hand in: 13 earmarks worth $45 million
Solo earmarks: Two worth $617,000
Notable: $400,000 for Minnesota Teen Challenge, a faith-based drug and alcohol treatment program
Betty McCollum (D) Fourth District
Had a hand in: 16 earmarks worth $73 million
Solo earmarks: Two worth $1 million
Notable: $20 million for the Central Corridor light-rail transit line
Keith Ellison (D) Fifth District
Had a hand in: 19 earmarks worth $75 million
Solo earmarks: Three worth $900,000
Notable: $240,000 for the Shubert Performing Arts and Education Center
Michele Bachmann (R) Sixth District
Pledged not to take earmarks
Collin Peterson (D) Seventh District
Had a hand in: 14 earmarks worth $12 million
Solo earmarks: Two worth $380,000
Notable: $475,000 for a multipurpose facility on the Red Lake Indian Reservation
Jim Oberstar (D) Eighth District
Had a hand in: 25 earmarks worth $32 million
Solo earmarks: Eight worth $6 million
Notable: $4.5 million between Minnesota and several other states to research new methods to add value to timber
Source: Star Tribune analysis with data from Taxpayers for Common Sense and House Appropriations Committee
about the writer
The lifelong northeast Minneapolis resident led a one-vote majority through the landmark 2023 session.