Company news

August 25, 2011 at 1:00AM

PERSONNELXcel Energy Inc., Minneapolis, said Ben Fowke took over as chairman, president and CEO. He succeeded Richard Kelly, who announced his retirement at the company's annual meeting in May. Kelly retires after 43 years at Xcel, the last five as chairman and CEO.

Universal Hospital Services Inc., Bloomington, named Jeff Singer president of PRI Medical Technologies Inc. Singer previously was executive vice president of sales and marketing.

DEBT AND EQUITIESXcel Energy Inc., Minneapolis, declared a quarterly dividend of 26 cents per common share, payable Oct. 20 to shareholders of record on Sept. 22.

Fair Isaac Corp., Minneapolis, declared a quarterly dividend of 2 cents per share, payable on Sept. 23 to shareholders of record on Sept. 9.

NEW BUSINESSBAE Systems has been awarded a $449.9 million contract to participate in technology development for the U.S. Army's ground combat vehicle program. BAE is teamed with Northrop Grumman Corp. on the two-year program. Some of the work will be done at BAE's facility in Fridley.

NEW PRODUCTSPhysio-Control Inc., a subsidiary of Medtronic Inc., Fridley, announced commercial availability of the ReadyLink 12-Lead ECG device, designed to improve care for heart attack patients and expand regional STEMI systems. The device has received 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration.

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