Chrissy Teigen wins Twitter feud with hilarious junior high antics

There is nothing better — nothing! — than when celebrities engage an angry follower on Twitter. It gives us a window into their soul. OK, that's not true. But it is pretty fascinating to see which of the millions of mentions a famous Twitter user will respond to.
This past week, model Chrissy Teigen won the award for Greatest Twitter Feud of All Time. A tweeter going by "Debra Mullarkey" responded to a Teigen tweet, and the Twitter queen (3 million followers) quickly took the confrontation back to junior high. It was hilarious.
Debra: "no one protected us from the last president! #getoverit"
Teigen: "shut up or get specific, debbie."
Debra: "you shutup if you wanna be rude."
Teigen: "no you shut up."
That right there is Twitter gold.
Tom Horgen
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