Calling all house-proud homeowners If you have a beautiful bungalow that you're proud of, you may be a candidate for the Twin Cities Bungalow Club's annual house tour.
Calling all house-proud homeowners
The May 10 tour highlights examples of early-20th-century house styles, including bungalows as well as other Arts and Crafts-style houses - foursquares, Prairie schools, even some Tudors.
If you're willing to open your house to "deeply appreciative guests," according to club organizers, call 612-724-5816 or e-mail If you have photos of your house, send them with your e-mail.
Lush Latin style Decorator and art collector Juan Carlos Arcila-Duque introduces readers to four lifestyles -- cabana, paradiso, hacienda and pueblo -- in "Latin Style: Decorating Your Home With Color, Texture and Passion" (Thomas Nelson, $24.99). Each section includes an essay on the particular style, along with pages dedicated to the individual decor, examples of homes and suggestions and tips for meals and celebrations to complement the look. It's a wonderful read, although reproduction issues detract from the pages of lush, beautifully photographed interior and exterior settings. A bonus: A CD of Latin lounge music by Descemer Bueno is tucked inside the back cover.
Notes Room & Board said its new, U.S.-produced shopping bag content is 100 percent recycled, using 30 percent post-consumer waste fiber, soy-based inks and no chlorine. It replaces a non-biodegradable plastic bag produced in Asia.