Even the ex-in-laws in Minnesota can't quite believe Journey guitarist Neal Schon's latest romantic move involving White House gatecrasher Michaele Salahi.
C.J.: Journey guitarist opens his arms again
"It's like a fairy tale. It really is," Schon told the Daily Beast. "I'm very happy, very happy after waiting for her for 15 years."
If Schon has loved Salahi for 15 years -- since back when she decided that a sedate lifestyle and marriage to Tareq Salahi would be better for her multiple sclerosis than rock 'n' roll -- this romance was fomented before Schon met the Minnesotan he married in 2001, who's still locatable on Twitter as Amber Kozan Schon. Amber moved back to Minnesota with her two daughters by Neal after their divorce, which was in 2008, according to Wikipedia.
There was a long pause Monday from Amber's mom, Judy Kozan, of Waseca, Minn., before she answered whether she was surprised by Neal's behavior?
"Yes and no," said Kozan. "This is a little over the top, even for Neal."
Judy and her husband and Amber's father, Jim Kozan, own Waseca Music Co.
Judy said this news involving Neal has "dredged up a lot of old stuff for [Amber] that hurt her. She maintains a positive relationship with Neal and values that, despite the past. They have two little girls together [born in 2002 and 2005]. They are the most caring, engaging little girls you'll ever meet. That's been said about both of them."
Neal and Amber met in 1998, when "he was on tour and she was a student at Mankato State," said Judy. "Early in 1999, she moved to San Francisco and they were married April 28, 2001."
Although now hot and heavy with Michaele, Neal's also a newlywed, having just married Ava Fabian about two months ago. A former Playboy playmate, Ava told TMZ.com that "this is very painful for me and I'm very hurt, and it's hard for me to talk about it."
Judy said it was her understanding that Neal and Ava broke up before he went on the current tour with Journey, famous for such hits as "Faithfully," "With Open Arms," "Don't Stop Believin'" and "Who's Cryin' Now?"
Regardless of Neal's relationship with Ava, Judy said "Ava is a very nice lady. She's super nice. I like her very much."
Making himself at home?Word around the KARE11 newsroom Wednesday is that actor Tom Sizemore stepped into the Backyard and relieved himself.
Sizemore is in the metro to promote his movie "White Knight," being featured at the Twin Cities Film Festival.
Way I hear the story, Sizemore arrived at the station and complained of being tired from traveling. When Sizemore requested a moment to be alone before his "KARE11 Today" interview, he was taken to the famous "KARE11 Backyard."
Oblivious to all the big windows, Sizemore relieved himself. Because KARE11 staffers are not blind, some later avoided shaking hands with Sizemore.
This is believed to be a Backyard first.
I told a station insider that via Twitter, I'd seek a comment from Sizemore by asking whether he had marked his territory over at KARE11. I was told that marking territory would mean Sizemore's planning to come back to the station.
Get the Purell ready!
Goldberg shows up in NYCFormer KARE11 reporter Scott Goldberg is apparently working for ABC News.
As Sunday night became Monday morning and I couldn't sleep, I began reading Twin Cities author Caroline Lazo's "Alice Walker: Freedom Writer," a book written for young adults. The early morning ABC news was on the TV. I was only half-listening to the news story about politicians who don't actually understand what "class warfare" is, using that phrase to protect wealthy people from paying the same percentage of taxes as middle-class earners, when my ear was attracted by something familiar in the reporter's voice.
Eventually there was a shot of Goldberg. Then either Linsey Davis or Andrea Canning addressed Goldberg by name. While Davis and Canning are listed at abcmedianet.com, Goldberg is not, but his Twitter account now states that he's located in New York, N.Y.
Goldberg has what it takes to muscle his way into a regular high-profile slot on the network.
C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or cj@startribune.com. E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.